Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound for Cause-Driven Industry

Marketing clean energy sustainable nonprofits

What’s inbound marketing?

When we think marketing, most of us think advertising. A fit, sweaty athlete in a fresh pair of Nikes, gazing into the evening glow with a look of determination.

“I’m gonna finish this run–like a champion.”

Their demeanor plus the catchy tagline across their toned thigh sell us the feeling of fitness paired with a shoe brand. Although it works, it used to work better.

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Clean Energy, B Corps and Nonprofits – The Good Kind of Marketing

Cause marketing writing

Cause marketing – for renewable energy, nonprofits and B corporations – is a unique challenge.

“Greater-good marketing” or “big-picture marketing” is how I think of it.

It’s always fun to gauge the reactions I get from the phrase, “I’m a marketing writer.”

It gets such varied responses.  Sometimes it’s met with a respectful nod or an “Oh, cool!”

Sometimes I get a wry smile or, once in a while, a look of disdain.

I used to see marketing as the stuff snake oil and used car salesmen were bred from. Grown, rather than born, and pulled from the black slime. Unearthed in the land of “Stuff Nobody Needs.” But here’s the thing…

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