Why I Love Being a Solar Marketing Writer

Solar content writer

It’s an exciting time to be a solar writer.

Solar energy provided 55 percent of new U.S. electricity generation in early 2018.

Some of the reason for this growth is the broader understanding and acceptance of solar as a viable option for homeowners and business owners to save money in the long run. An understanding and acceptance due, in part, to expertly executed marketing strategies by solar companies and organizations.

Writing marketing content and copy is a powerful position. I don’t take that lightly.

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Sunshine and Moonshine: Solar Energy in Pasadena

solar and clean energy events

We who are innovation-inclined spend a lot of hours, well, innovating. It’s nice to get out to a cleantech event. 

We read up on the latest renewable energy news; we follow the thought leaders on Twitter.

In my case, I write content to propel the cleantech market forward. In the cases of many of the people I have the privilege of meeting, they create the actual technology or the companies that do.

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Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound for Cause-Driven Industry

Marketing clean energy sustainable nonprofits

What’s inbound marketing?

When we think marketing, most of us think advertising. A fit, sweaty athlete in a fresh pair of Nikes, gazing into the evening glow with a look of determination.

“I’m gonna finish this run–like a champion.”

Their demeanor plus the catchy tagline across their toned thigh sell us the feeling of fitness paired with a shoe brand. Although it works, it used to work better.

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